Eliane Aïsso is a remarkably talented artist on the contemporary scene in Benin. Attracted to artistic creation at an early age, she enrolled at the secondary school for arts and crafts at SOS Village d'enfant in Abomey-Calavi. She then went on to study art history at the University of Abomey-Calavi.

During these years of theoretical and practical study, she opened up to different media - painting, drawing and photography. Her curiosity for research has enabled her to move towards more contemporary techniques, installations and filmic research. In this way, she has succeeded in weaving together these different techniques and media, mixing and matching them to produce works that are more pictorialist than documentary, earning her a scholarship to the Studio National des Arts Contemporains du Fresnoy, in France, where she completed her training in 2020.

Eliane Aïsso has been exhibiting nationally and internationally since 2012 through group and solo shows.

Solo exhibitions







La renaissance du monde | Institut français du Bénin | Cotonou, Bénin

Reversed Exploration | M. Bassy | Hamburg, Germany

Rêves de l’au-delà | Le Centre | Abomey-Calavi, Bénin

Unité, online exhibition | Association RAPlaM | Bénin

Mon parcours | Café des Arts | Cotonou, Bénin

La trajectoire | Campus Numérique Francophone | Cotonou, Bénin

Selected group exhibitions


AUTOPSIE D’UN MISANTHROPE | Off Biennale DAK’ART, Grand Théâtre | Dakar, Sénégal

REVELATION ! ART CONTEMPORAIN DU BENIN | Conciergerie |  Paris, France

AFROTROPES des imaginaires en mouvement | Musée Théodore Monod d’art africain Cheikh Anta Diop | Dakar, Sénégal


REVELATION ! ART CONTEMPORAIN DU BENIN | Fondation Clément | Martinique

Lagos photo festival | Fondation Zinsou | Ouidah, Bénin

ART DU BENIN D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI : de la restitution à la révélation | Musée Mohammed VI d’art moderne et contemporain | Rabat, Maroc


Essence et résilience | OFF Biennale de Dakar | Sénégal

ART DU BENIN D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI : de la restitution à la révélation | Palais de la Marina | Cotonou, Bénin


Talking Mirrors | M.Bassy | Hamburg, Allemagne

Une aire de famille | Musée d’art et d’histoire Paul Eluard | Saint-Denis, France

CONTEMPORARYBENIN | Galerie AMANI | Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

100% SORTIES D’ECOLES | La villette | Paris, France


Panorama22 | Fresnoy (Studio Nationale des Art Contemporain) | Tourcoing, France


Fascinant Bénin 80 ans de photographie en terre vaudou | Galerie Vallois | Paris

Panorama21 | Fresnoy (Studio Nationale des Art Contemporain) | Tourcoing, France


Les ateliers sahm (Je te présente ma ville) | Institut Français du Congo | Brazzaville

Artwork from the artist in our collection

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