Amy Celestina Ndione is a Senegalese visual artist who graduated from the National School of Arts in Dakar. Upon graduation in 2015, she joined the studio of Senegalese artist Piniang, who was her mentor.
After her first group exhibitions at the National Gallery of Dakar and in the Off of the 2018 Dakar Biennale, Amy Celestina Ndione participated in two cross-residencies Senegal/Canada and then Sweden, and exhibited in Göteborg.
In September 2020, she was part of the exhibition What About You? at Gallery 23 with Urban Africans in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
She is a laureate of the 4th edition of RIPO (Rencontres Internationales de la Peinture à Ouagadougou) in 2021.
After working around the topic of public transport in Dakar for two years, Amy Celestina is currently exploring the theme of Time passing through the scientific, philosophical and social evolution of mankind. She blends painting, collage of recycled materials and sewing as a touch of femininity, to create a singular universe inspired by reality.
Selected Exhibitions
Le Pinceau de l’Intégration, The West African Research Center (WARC), Dakar (2022)
It Out Of The Ordinary /Matérialité(s), Institut Culturel Italien (Dak'Art OFF), Dakar (2022)
CHAOS : Du chaos nait la lumière, Galerie Mémoires Africaines, Saly Portudal, Sénégal (2022)
Deukeundo, Reg ’Art sur MBao, MBao, Sénégal (2021)
Rencontres Internationales de Peinture de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2021)
Salon Geew Bi, Exposition virtuelle, Dakar, Sénégal (2020)
‘’Bet Set Na’’ (ouvrons les yeux! ), Exposition virtuelle, Dakar, Sénégal (2020)
What About You ? Galerie 23, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2020)
NORMA, Pullman Dakar Teranga, Dakar, Sénégal (2019)
Coast to Coast, Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art, Göteborg, Suède (2019)
Sabbar Artistiques, Loman Art Gallery, Mamelle, Sénégal (2019)
Le deuxième Salon des Jungles Urbaines, Atelier Céramiques Almadies, Almadies, Sénégal (2018)
The Gallery of small things, Dak’Art OFF, Dakar, Sénégal (2018)