Ever since childhood, Kemboury Bessane was drawn to an indefinable ideal, somewhere between beauty and happiness, which led her to painting. She always had a passion for drawing, a passion that steadily grew within her and eventually took precedence over her classical studies.

Kemboury chose the path of creation, that of bringing worlds to life, of recreating the world. After training in decoration and silkscreen printing, she finally enrolled at the National Art School in Dakar. Her gradual maturation led her to create works inspired by current events, in particular the injustices, poverty and wars affecting Africa.

But the artist's vision of Africa is not just negative. She also holds out the hope of a new Africa, one that is more just and firmly rooted in development. It is to the birth of this Africa that she contributes through an artistic approach that consists of giving new life to salvaged objects, in particular electronic and computer components.

Her works in acrylic on canvas or paper, are part of an artistic quest for the development of Africa, blending the values of the past with those of the contemporary era to create a momentum towards the world.

Kemboury lives and works in Dakar, and since 2004 has been exhibiting in numerous venues in Senegal and other countries.

Solo exhibitions





Le monde virtuel | Hôtel ALAFIFA, Biennale Dak’Art OFF

Renouveau | Hôtel Pullman Teranga, Biennale Dak’Art OFF

Mélanges | Centre culturel de Glons, Belgique

L’art et la matière | Hôtel Sokhamon, Biennale Dak’Art OFF

Selected group exhibitions



Résonances | Galerie Léopold Sédar Senghor, Biennale Dak’Art OFF

Fragments de mémoire | Galerie Le Manège de Sorano | Dakar, Sénégal

Jigeen Art | Galerie Mbao | Dakar, Sénégal

Le souffle de l'Art | Galerie Mame Thiothie | Saint-Louis, Sénégal

Célébrons l’Afrique | Galerie les Arts du Soleil | Dakar, Sénégal





Sankofa | Monument de la Renaissance, Biennale Dak’Art OFF

Résonances | Galerie Léopold Sédar Senghor, Biennale Dak’Art OFF

El Arte de la Memoria | Museo Casa de África | Havana, Cuba

Couleurs et Textures | Institut français du Sénégal | Saint-Louis, Sénégal




L'Art Contemporain Africain | Château de Waroux | Liège, Belgique

Salon Libr’Art | Nouakchott, Mauritanie

Salon International de Libramont | Belgique

Gagnante du Prix des jeunes | Salon des artistes plasticiens du Sénégal | Dakar, Sénégal






Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres (FESMAN) | Dakar, Sénégal 

Afrique Contemporaine | Forum für Kunst | Heidelberg, Allemagne

Gagnante du Prix Houphouët-Boigny | UNESCO | Paris, France

Festival de Kafountine pour la Paix en Casamance, Sénégal

Les Couleurs de l'Afrique | Hôtel Ngola Lodge, Gambie

Artwork from the artist in our collection

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